Monday, March 16, 2009

Sad day.

Sadness has struck. On Saturday, we lost the Yoda, the runt. We decided to rename her, being as she needed a better name than the one we had bestowed upon her.

We knew something was wrong that morning when Scout brought Yoda up into the bed, seemingly urging us to fix her, as she sensed something was wrong.

The day went past, and Naomi continued to syringe feed her, trying to get her to gain some weight.

Naomi and I had just finished our dinner and headed up to feed the runt. During feeding, we noticed that she had a cleft palate. Upon inspecting the rest of the pups for cleft palates, we looked online to figure out if that truly was what we were dealing with. Once realizing that we had finally figured out what was wrong, we called the Emergency Vet Clinic, who said that we should go ahead and bring her in. by the time we got ourselves ready to go, she was gone. We went ahead and took her in just to make sure, and were confirmed of her passing.

She is now buried underneath the tree by our house:(

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Another Update

Ok, for those who don't know, I (Jason) got in a wreck in Naomi's car. Yes, she was in the car, too, it's not like I take her car out and wreck it. So there we were, having a nice date night, we had gone out for dinner, gone to Petsmart to get some stuff for the dogs and some new fish (since pretty much all of our mollies were dead), picked up a movie, and were on our way home. Mind you, this was right after the ice/snow storm that brought most of Northern KY to its knees, so we just wanted to get out.

So we're on our way home, and we're going down Dixie Highway in Fort Wright, crossing Kyle's Lane, and a car decides to turn left in front of us... I slammed on my brakes and we were lucky enough that we missed that car. However, the young man that was following that car wasn't so lucky. Our car and his car had a little run-in. Here's the damage:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Scuddies are here!

Jason here... So, since our last update, we've been quite busy... i'll try to update a little bit more later, but for now, our newest and biggest (actually, smallest) news! Scout and Buddy have become puppy parents! The two are proud parents of 5, count em, 5 pups. How Scout held them all in, we have no clue. However, at 7:00 last night (March 10, 2009), we welcomed into this world the first pup, a boy, and by 8:45 we had a total of 5, with 3 girls and 2 boys. I have taken to calling them the "Scuddies," and we're lucky enough that one of us will be home for the next 5 days to look after them. We don't really know how much of that we'll have to do, as Scout has taken to them extremely well, much better than we thought, and cleaned them immediately and has been nursing them for the last 16 hours straight. She's a good mom.

So anyways, i know you guys want pictures, so here they are!

all 5 pups! They really like to cuddle with each other...
Pup #1 - a little boy! we've started calling him Uno. He's quite possibly the largest of the 5.

Pup #2 - a little girl! The runt. We call her Lil' girl for obvious reasons.

Pup #3 - a boy. We call him Little Buddy because he looks more like Buddy and he's a whiner... just like his papa.

Pup #4 - a little girl! We call her Lil' Bit. No real reason.

#5 - a little girl! We call her Rotty because she's kinda rottweiler-esque, and kinda rambunctious...

Mama Scout and her little babies... amazing.