Monday, March 16, 2009

Sad day.

Sadness has struck. On Saturday, we lost the Yoda, the runt. We decided to rename her, being as she needed a better name than the one we had bestowed upon her.

We knew something was wrong that morning when Scout brought Yoda up into the bed, seemingly urging us to fix her, as she sensed something was wrong.

The day went past, and Naomi continued to syringe feed her, trying to get her to gain some weight.

Naomi and I had just finished our dinner and headed up to feed the runt. During feeding, we noticed that she had a cleft palate. Upon inspecting the rest of the pups for cleft palates, we looked online to figure out if that truly was what we were dealing with. Once realizing that we had finally figured out what was wrong, we called the Emergency Vet Clinic, who said that we should go ahead and bring her in. by the time we got ourselves ready to go, she was gone. We went ahead and took her in just to make sure, and were confirmed of her passing.

She is now buried underneath the tree by our house:(

1 comment:

b13 said...

Oh, that is so sad. :(